



June 2019 2nd edition

校长的话 Principal’s Address

两个学期结束了, 家长们也都领取了期中成绩报告单。希望报告上的信息有助于家长更全面的了解您孩子的学习状况,也欢迎家长和老师做深度交流。
今年中文班“每学期一书”阅读计划,虽然是每一节课短短两三分钟的阅读,一个学期累积下来,孩子们掌握的词汇量和句型应用能力,效果显著。我们希望借此活动培养孩子们阅读中文书籍的兴趣。谢谢大家的支持! 祝大家假期愉快!

Last week marks the end of Semester 1. Report cards have been sent home, and will hopefully provide a clearer picture to parents about their child’s performance. We welcome all feedback for future improvement.
The “A Book a Term” reading program introduced earlier this year has begun to produce great results. By reading a few minutes each lesson, the children have built up a significant amount of new vocabulary and sentence patterns. Thank you for supporting this program and helping us to cultivate the habit of reading Chinese storybooks.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday.


成人中文课 Adult Chinese Classes



The Sydney Northwest Chinese School also provides Chinese lessons for adults – not just school students. The adult curriculum is aligned with that of the International Han Institute in Taipei and is designed to meet the various needs of working adults. It can be delivered in 1-on-1 lessons, group lessons with 2-5 people or online 1-on-1 lessons. Adult classes focus on making conversation, real-world applications and spelling pinyin, making use of mental images and learning modules to efficiently achieve goals. Feel free to contact us for more information.

课堂亮点: 熊猫班

Classroom Highlights: Panda Class

老师运用字卡及图卡设计配对游戏、抢答游戏,让孩子毫不犹豫的说出各种家庭称谓;教唱律动儿歌,边唱边做,学会了五官和身体部位;使用橡皮泥揑字体,认识基本汉字及笔画顺序。幼儿是学习语言的最好时机,在老师带领下熊猫班透过各种激励及有趣的活动扎下学好中文的根, 茁壮成长。

With children between 2-5 years old, the Panda class is always enthusiastic and full of energy. Teacher Amy uses a variety of sources (e.g. videos, music and games) to make the lesson interesting for young learners and improve the learning process.

This semester, students learnt to name different body parts and family members using music and rhymes and learnt to write Chinese characters in the correct stroke order by using play dough. Under the guidance of Teacher Amy, Panda class continues to become more confident and interested in the Chinese culture.


美术课 Art Classes


Term 2 art classes were amazing, using oil and soft pastels. These mediums really helped students integrate the spirit of the original artworks, introduced throughout the term, into their own. We also had fun with interactive exercises such as groups’ projects and drawing classmate’s portraits. I couldn’t be prouder of the students. The term 2 art exhibition will be posted on our Facebook page soon.
The subject for term 3 is Sketching and Drawing – skills that are essential for the various painting styles. Students will learn to improve their work by using fundamental techniques (such as shape, light, shadow and proportion), increasing their confidence and observational skills as they go. The kindy students will follow the same subject in addition to some handicrafts for their little muscles exercise and coordination as well as aesthetic cultivation.



Culture Exchange

大家看着电影中的功夫熊猫,有着圆圆的身体和矫健的身手,都会忍不住的跟着他比划几拳。你一定不难猜到这个文化主题就是「武术」。一提到这个主题,学生们各各蠢蠢欲动,跃跃欲试。不过我们得先认识这个「武」字,从字形上来看,本意是拿起利器去打仗。说文解字里另有提到一段左传里记载楚庄王的话,楚庄王曰: 「夫武,定功戢兵,故止戈为武」。楚庄王认为「武」字是由「止」和「戈」两字合成的,真正的消灭暴乱,是永远停止动用武器,这才是真正武的意思。也就有了「止戈为武」这句成语。了解了武字,就不难了解武术是祖先们从原古时代与大自然博斗,到冷兵器时代战争攻防经验的累积,逐渐发展形成一种增强体质,培养意志的民族体育活动。


Many students are familiar with the character of Po the Panda from the movie “Kung Fu Panda”. Once the topic was mentioned, everyone was eager to bust a move. However, before we learnt about martial art movements, it was important to understand the Chinese character “武”. 
It has two general meanings: “to pick up a weapon and fight” and “to stop violence”. The latter captures the essence of Kung Fu perfectly: Kung Fu is not about fighting – our ancestors practiced the art to defend themselves from their harsh environment. Instead, Kung Fu is about improvement, self-discipline and overcoming one’s fears.
During this cultural exchange, classes used songs to sing and punch, watched a video about martial art schools in China and learnt the true philosophy behind this ancient art form. Students who practiced other forms of martial arts, such as taekwondo, also shared some moves and exchanged their thoughts about the benefits of learning the sport. Everyone seemed to enjoy the exchange and we encourage parents to share their favourite martial art novels/movies with their children during the holidays.





最值回票价的精彩演出【CHINA YOUNG 2019】北京学生金帆艺术团近500位才华横溢的青少年演员将于7月27日周六1:30PM在悉尼歌剧院音乐厅呈现一场《让世界充满爱》专场演出,演出涵盖民乐、管乐、舞蹈、合唱、武术等多种艺术形式。曾为北京奥运会开幕式编导之一的国家一级导演——孟艳将担任本次演出总导演。一流的场地、强大的阵容、高水准的表演、亲民的价格!仅演一场,不容错过!(学生8人以上团体享受9折优惠)

The Most family-friendly performance at Sydney Opera House! CHINA YOUNG 2019 Beijing Golden Sail Extravaganza combines classical and contemporary music featuring an orchestra, traditional instruments, dance, Peking opera, choral music and a showcase of martial arts, which will definitely give you an unforgettable artistic experience. SAT 27 JUL, Don’t Miss! Prices from $29, ONE SHOW ONLY!  https://bit.ly/2KQhJsZ



Foreign Teachers

Residing in China Wanted

浩朗国济教育是一家主营英文培训ˎ游学ˎ外教引进中国等业务的机 构,先后于中国及澳大利亚成立公司总部及分部˳ 在中国担任英文外教, 浩朗会提供优渥的薪酬福利ˎ免费住宿ˎ带薪休假和国际往返机票˳ 如暂时无法赴中国工作,可先担任浩朗线上教师˳ 浩朗感谢并欢迎大家推荐合适人员,推荐有奖˳


电话:+61 413 125 223


Safari International Education is an institution engaged in businesses including English training, study tour, introducing foreign teachers to China and so on, and has established its headquarters and branch respectively and successively in China and Australia. For those who work as our foreign English teacher in China, Safari will offer favorable salary and welfare, free accommodation, paid vacation and round-trip international flight ticket. If you are not able to come to China immediately, you may work as an online teacher of Safari for now.
Recommendations of suitable candidates will be appreciated and rewarded.

Website: safariedu.cn

Tel: +61 413 125 223

WeChat: 15208435652
