關於西北中文About Us
We are an Education center located in Rouse Hill Town Centre. The main goal of our center is to teach Chinese language and promote Chinese as a second language. We offer Chinese language classes for all ages from preschooler to adult, there are classes available from Mondays to Saturdays, including online classes. We also offer affordable after school Chinese classes in North Kellyville Public School, Beaumont Hills Public school, William Clarke College, Riverbank Public School and Kings Langley Public School.
Our Centre was established in 2015, from a small private tutoring class with the maximum of twenty kids, with amazing community support and growing demand from the parents, we have
We are a non-profit, non-political and non-religious community language school. We are also the only Chinese school in Sydney that offer both Simplified and Traditional Chinese lessons to cater for the diverse demands of our learners.
2. To create more opportunities of second language acquisition for local students. With adopting the local teaching style into Chinese teaching, learners can overcome the difficulties of Chinese learning, which also increases the Chinese culture understanding for non- native learners.
3. To Organize a variety of bilingual seminars and cultural activities and providing the opportunities of experiencing the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western cultures in order to achieve the mutual understanding of these cultures.
西北教育中心位悉尼西北区,为一所非营利、非政治及非宗教的教育单位,并于2017年成为新州教育局注册的民族语言学校。目前与多所西北区的主流中小学合办课后中文及周六全科辅导,校区包含 North Kellyville 小学, Beaumont Hills 小学, William Clarke 小学及中学, Riverbank 小学、Kings Langley 小学及Rouse Hill Town Centre购物中心。
我们面向澳洲所有华裔及非华裔族群,不仅提供中文母语者一个认识自身语言及文化的环境,更为非华裔学习者开设专门的中文课程,授课对象从幼儿、小学、中学至成人。因应广大家长要求,我们自2019年开始增设艺术及学术课程,满足亚裔子女对美术、 舞蹈、数学、写作科目的强烈学习需求。
- 藉由自身母语及文化学习,帮助华裔子女理解身份认同并扩展为跨文化生活能力。
- 提供非华裔学习者一个外语学习管道与环境,并增进中西文化交流与沟通。
- 集结中西方专业教育人士,开设各种学习课程及教育讲座,协助海外华裔子女的学业提升。