2019成果展花絮 Presentation Day Highlights

感谢所有参与2019成果展的嘉宾、学生、老师以及工作人员。本次成果展丰富精彩,更达成了学以致用的精神,让学生们有机会将平日所学展现在观众席前,而大舞台上的表演也是一个难忘的学习经验。恭喜本次获奖的同学,无论是勤勉参与或是认真努力,都是值得我们学习的楷模。感谢家长热情参与见证孩子们的学习成就。 Thank you so much to everyone who was able to attend the 2019 End of Year Presentation. We are very proud of the students, teachers and staff who came together to organise this wonderful event. Hopefully, the opportunity to use Mandarin in front of such a large audience in a beautifully decorated environment has created … Read more

第一届西北中文写字比赛成绩公布Calligraphy Competition Results

首先很感谢所有学生和家长们的支持. 平日要求写功课时, 学生们都叫苦连天, 没想到大家参与的意愿都相当的高, 踊跃的缴回作品, 作品也都相當的好, 让评审的老师们难分高下. 评分的重点在整体视觉是干净整洁, 字体工整, 大小适中且无错别字. 正式的写字比赛要求都是直式书写, 并且不可留空白. 此次是本校第一次举办这项比赛, 比赛规则未订定的很完善, 因此评审老师也放寛了标准, 希望透过这样的活动, 让学生们能喜欢书写汉字, 并且能用心体会汉字的美感. First of all, thank you for all the support with the first Calligraphy Competition. We were overwhelmed by the amount and quality of entries returned, especially from students that view homework as pressure. The marking criteria were … Read more

西 北 教 育 中 心 电 子 报

本教育中心通讯电子报终于在千呼万唤中出版第一期˳ 悉尼西北教育中心一直禀持给家长最好的教学质量及给孩子最用心学习环境及管道, 相信家长们都深刻感受到并感谢家长们的持续支持,我们坚持「对内最高标准;对外以爱优先的」服务原则,不断为华人语言及文化努力˳ 电子报的目的主要是分享教育中心的活动信息及公告事项,更重要的是家长们有个沟通交流的机会,我们殷切期望家长能了解我们教育核心理念并不吝给我们指教,也欢迎家长投稿分享理念˳

New Dancing Class– 少兒舞蹈提高班

由专业舞蹈老师kiki开班授课! 欢迎参加七月六日免费体验课程~~ 老师简介: 中央民族大学舞蹈专业,拥有多年幼儿教学经验,尤其致力于丰富的课程设置及快乐的授课模式。课程内容涵盖了柔韧性提高、芭蕾基本功训练、民族民间舞、中国古典舞、国际代表性舞等多元素组合训练。老师会根据班级特点, 编排创作舞蹈作品进行排练, 每学期都能让同学们接受到不同风格的舞蹈作品学习。 西北艺术舞蹈班将以提高学生艺术素养、提升形体气质、培养优秀舞蹈人才为理念,为喜爱舞蹈的同学搭建一座美丽的艺术殿堂! Rouse Hill Town Centre Term3 上课时间: 周六16:15-17:15, 学费: 每学期$230, 与中文课程合报再折$50。 Teach children ages 5-10 in various styles and levels of dance (ballet, jazz, contemporary, hip-hop and Chinese folk dance). Help children learn to engage in active and creative movement. Create a fun and positive environment for students. Choreograph … Read more

Term 2 Chinese Class Enrolment

By adopting the local teaching style into these classes. Learners are able to overcome the difficulties of learning understanding for non-native learners. Enrol Now Native Chinese Class : Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat Non-Native Chinese Class: Tue, Thu, Sat Preschool Chinese Class: Sat High School, Adult Chinese Class are all available



2018 end of year presentation was a huge success. We are grateful to our sponsors for their generosity. We greatly appreciate parents support in helping the children to practice at home. We were very impressed by their confidence and performance. Children did extremely well.  We wish everyone a happy holiday and look forward to seeing you again next year.