Rouse Hill Town Center :
Sat 15:00 - 16:00 Beginner初级班
Sat 16:00- 17:00 Show Group 表演班

西北艺术舞蹈班招收 (5岁-14岁) 学员, 将以提高学生艺术素养、提升形体气质、培养优秀舞蹈人才为理念,为喜爱舞蹈的同学搭建一座美丽的艺术殿堂!

老师简介: 中央民族大学舞蹈专业,拥有多年幼儿教学经验,尤其致力于丰富的课程设置及快乐的授课模式。
课程内容: 柔韧性提高、身韵训练、芭蕾基本功训练、民族民间舞、中国古典舞、国际代表性舞等多元素组合。老师将根据班级特点,编排创作舞蹈作品进行排练每学期都能让同学们接受到不同风格的舞蹈作品。

Focused on improving flexibility, posture, muscle tone and core strength. Each term, students discover the artistic beauty of dance by learning basic ballet skills and a variety of dance styles such as folk, classical and contemporary dances.
Lead and choreographed by a qualified teacher, classes are taught in a fun and positive environment. We aim to nurture a love for dance in all our students.