English Public Speaking 英文演说表达课程

Kindy-Year 2 Group

The program  is designed to provide ample opportunities for students to practice oral language & public speaking in the classroom. Teacher uses the theme pictures, materials and activities that are built around the prominent research surrounding oral language, including the functions of language and a constructivist approach, where students construct meaning about the world around them through collaborating and conversing with others. 

Year 3 - 5 Group & Year 6 + Group

The class aims to empower the students with communication skills that build their confidence and self-belief to achieve their goals in learning and life. The structured program facilitates the explicit development of listening, speaking and evaluating skills, along with 12 public speaking skills. Teachers may choose 2-3 topics a term and help the students to structure their speeches under the six main writing genres by using contemporary and fun activities.

* Y6 + Every Sat 9:30 ~11:00am
* Y3~5 Every Sat 9:30 ~11:00am
* Kindy~Y2 Every Sat 1:00 ~2:30pm